Due to the holidays of the reviewers, we inform the authors of papers submitted to MISC 2024 that the notification of acceptance will be delayed to the 18th of September 2024. (See Importante dates)

Welcome to MISC 2024 < [ PDF version of CFP]   

The MISC laboratory of the University of Constantine 2 - Abdelhamid Mehri is jointly organizing with the University of Tamanghasset and the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies CDTA, Algiers, the next eighth (8th) edition of the MISC symposium (MISC'2024). Building upon the success of previous editions (MISC'2010, MISC'2012, MISC2014, MISC2016, MISC2018, MISC2020, and MISC2022), this symposium will take place from 1 to 3 December 2024 at the University of Tamanghasset, Algeria. The region in southern Algeria, where the university is situated, is seeing significant growth, primarily due to its proximity to prominent tourist destinations.

The primary purpose of this symposium is to serve as a longstanding tradition that provides a platform for scholars engaged in the study of complex systems science to convene and engage in open discussions and collaborative interactions. The symposium emphasizes applied and theoretical research to solve real problems in all fields; thus, participants are cordially invited to engage in the generation of novel concepts within the four designated domains: " Design and implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) systems and Cloud Computing", "Artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications", "Data science and its applications" and "Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare".

Symposium Tracks:


All accepted papers will be scheduled for oral presentations and will be published in the Springer proceedings books series LNNS (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems). The books of LNNS series are indexed at ISI Proceedings, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and Springerlink.